Friday, February 6, 2009

Jana Banana Lost a bunch

So here is my story that I am writing as the days go by ....waiting for my happy ending. I have been fit most my life (see picture below). I gave birth to my daughter 12 years ago, in 10 years my body changed. I have gained over 100 pounds yes I said over 100 pounds (see bottom picture). I'm not one of those over weight people who eat 2 dozen eggs or 10 pieces of toast but I do make poor eating choices. I want to be skinny and eat too .

I have been on countless diets. But I have found that I hate frozen dinners, counting points and measuring shakes. So I live in guilt, bite after bite knowing my weight is going up instead of down. I know I need to change but I have become discouraged because my weight continues to go up.

I have a very active daughter who wants to go to the mountains and snow board, go to the beach and surf, and go to theme parks. All the stuff I want to do but either I'm to embarrassed or physically I just can't do it. So I'm ready for a new Chapter in my book.

Last week I turned the Page and started a new story. A very dear friend shared with me a new weight-loss drink called TaiSlim. She told me that she had went from a size 26 to a size 18 in a matter of weeks. Hopefully this is the life-changing plot to my book which is the key to my story and the happy ending were all looking for .

Please remember I'm a real person and this story is my story, not some advertisement. I just want to sha
re with you what is making a difference in my life so hopefully it will make a difference in your life. This TaiSlim is really simple to take. You drink 2 oz before breakfast and 2 oz. before lunch. I told you it was simple. I'm not going to lie to you and say all is perfect. I'm trying to stop eating after 7 and exercise daily. I know you can't just sit on your behind and do nothing and expect change...but honestly I have made very few changes. I still eat what I want, just smaller portions (it suppress my appetite). I eat every 2 hours and eat a little snack between. It's amazing, I eat half of what I used to and I am so full I can not eat any more. With that said, in 7 days I have lost .....drum roll please ........12 pounds. That's right 12 pounds. I'm so excited. I have hope now. This is working for me, and it's guaranteed to work for you. That's right, they offer a 90-day money back no questions asked guarantee. Help me finish my story, why not be a part of my story. I want a happy ending. On the beach in my bathing suit (not covered up), enjoying my husband and daughter living a healthy life. PLEASE KNOW THIS IS NOT A ADVERTISEMENT JUST SOMETHING I FOUND THAT WORKS AND WANTED TO SHARE WITH YOU HAPPY THOUGHTS AND LOTS OF LAUGHS BUT NOT AT MY PICTURES HAHA


My crazy crazy life said...

Jana, you look like you have an eating disorder in that first picture. You do realize that is not a realistic view of weight loss? I don't know what I'm talking about because I want to weigh like 120lbs and with my body, that's just not feasible.
I think it's great that you are taking your health serious now! We need to help each other out...weight lost is hard!!!

My crazy crazy life said...

oh btw, your formatting is all messed up...some of the words are cut off. did you cut and paste?

Sunny said...

Jana, I missed some parts of your story, words are missing.

From what I gather you're working on a life style change in order to feel, look and BE healthier and hopefull feel happier too. Well I'll be on the cheering line! I don't care if we're heavy, thin, pretty, ugly, married, single, kids or no kids we probably all have some life style changes we need to implement in order to reach our happy place or at the very least decrease the days we feel like crap! So whatever you need, however I can be a part of helping you, my long ago aquaintance and new friend I'm there for you too.

~ * ~ Only Me ~ * ~ said...

somehow I missed this when it was posted - it was a great post to read, although, some of the words are missing. Sounds like you're making great changes! Good for you!!! I'm working on doing the same thing around here...we can all support each other, right?